bciti's blog - learn about smart cities

The Smart City Challenge: Developing a comprehensive strategy

Written by Vivianne Gravel | Dec 13, 2019 1:25:26 AM

Bringing cities closer to their residents: Roland Berger’s international study reveals that only 10% of cities have a smart city strategy.

Smart cities are making a digital shift so that decision-makers can make informed decisions and tackle the many challenges facing cities today. Whether it's to increase communication and consultations with citizens, reduce congestion, encourage mobility or reduce CO2 emissions, a digital solution exists.

Digital innovations like the bciti app allow cities to overcome urban challenges for the benefit of their residents, organizations and the city itself. However, without a strategic and integrated approach to coordinating and organizing smart cities, cities can’t reach their full potential.

The data speaks for itself (excerpt from Roland Berger’s “2019 Smart City Strategy Index”)

  • Out of 500 cities with a population greater than one million, only 49 (10%) have a smart city strategy.
  • Just 153 cities in the world—both large and small—have published a smart city strategy (approximately 24% in North America).
  • Fifteen (10%) of these cities have developed a comprehensive strategy, and eight of them are at an advanced stage of implementation.
  • According to Roland Berger’s study, the top three smart cities in the world are as follows (with the third in Canada!):
  1. Vienna (Austria) 2.  London (Great Britain)  3. St-Albert (Canada)

Please click here to read the full article of Roland Berger.

bciti: A smart partner

A solid strategy combined with a comprehensive solution allows smart cities to move from a fragmented environment to one that is fully integrated. That’s the challenge the bciti took on with the deployment of its intelligent platform in 15 cities, providing residents with access to a multitude of digital services in multiple cities via a single app. The results are convincing.

“With bciti, we can provide better services to our residents. It’s more than a portal—it’s a virtual smart window onto the city for Saint-Lambert’s residents. bciti is constantly evolving to facilitate interactions with citizens, all while making life easier for them. We’re pleased to be part of the growing smart city community.” Georges Pichet, General Director, City of Saint-Lambert, QC

''This multi-services platform positively transforms the relationships our residents have with the City's administration. We are proud to have moved to the smart city level with bciti!'' Patrice Boileau, General Director, City of Beaconsfield, QC

Recognized as the trusted platform for citizens and cities, bciti manages residents’ data in an ethical manner, ensuring that data use complies with privacy laws, all while improving the digital experience for residents and personalizing access to city services.